Online Ordering Procedures

  1. Choose

    Browse our products and special promo and make your selection.

  2. Add to basket

    Found the products that you wanted? Select the quantity and click on the “Add to basket” button. You can view and update your basket at any time.

  3. View basket & select delivery

    Choose either free shipping (for orders over Rs 3,000*) or pickup at one of our stores.

  4. Proceed to checkout

    Continue with the checkout procedures as new or existing customer.

  5. Enter billing & shipping details

    Complete the form correctly with your billing and shipping details.

  6. Select payment method

    Review your order details. If you choose to pick up at a store, you need to indicate the store. You may choose to pay by Direct bank transfer, or Cash on delivery for local pick up.

  7. Confirm order

    Confirm your order by clicking on “Place Order”.

  8. Pay to complete order

    Finally make your payment to complete the order.

  9. Done

    Your order has been placed. We will now do the rest for you!

*Free shipping on orders over Rs 3,000.